Marmite create 'Ma'amite' to celebrate Queen's Jubilee

By on Tuesday, April 3, 2012

To toast the Queen's Jubilee, Marmite has created 'Ma'amite', in an aptly-named PR stunt. I'm not sure whether the product will be widely available or if this has just been done for the below image, but either way, hats off to Marmite.


As mentioned on Marmite's Twitter account – the product will be available in Sainsburys on the 16th April.

Marmite also partnered with Innocent Drinks on April 1st this year, to 'announce' a Mangoes and Marmite flavoured smoothie. I'm not overly impressed with the obvious photoshopping, but it's a nice idea, nonetheless.

april fools 2012

Source: 'Ma'amite' tweeted by Brady PR and Andrew Bloch


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