Public given chance to win Galaxy S4 by staring directly at one for whole hour – with fun distractions!

By on Friday, May 31, 2013

In Zurich station a couple of weeks ago, Samsung offered members of the public the chance to win a free Galaxy S4 – provided they could keep their stare at a handset set into a branded standing board for precisely 60 minutes. Getting on for 3 million people have watched the video and you can see why.

Samsung didn’t make ‘the S4 Stare Down’ easy though, trying to distract participants as they attempted to stay focused on the phone for an entire hour. Crowds gathered to watch as police men with barking dogs, men on fire and arguing couples all tried to get the hopefuls to look away from the phone, which, frighteningly, ‘knows when you’re looking at it’.

As Mic Wright says on Twitter, it’s a sort-of Touch the Truck for the smartphone age.

Jon Silk makes the great point in his post about this that those involved seem like genuine participants, in comparison to Coke Zero’s Bond stunt from last October.

samsung s4 stare down

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