‘Burger: The Opera’ opens in this brilliantly odd PR stunt

By on Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Good PR can do amazing things. It really can. PR is also, or can often be, utterly ridiculous.

Not taking yourself too seriously is, I think, how a job becomes more than something you have to do and more something you’ll enjoy doing. I know I’ve never taken myself too seriously and I never intend to. I’ll leave all that to people far smarter than I will ever be.

So, when I’m emailed with the opening line ‘let me introduce you to Burger: The Opera’, yeah, I smile and feel thankful to do what we do, as absurd as it can be.

In what can only be described as a stunt that wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of Spongebob, experimental opera company Secret Opera has partnered with Gourmet Burger Kitchen to produce an opera that, the release says, ‘tells a story of passion; a tolerant father and his picky daughter, a passionate GBK employee and the wonderful experience of falling head over heels in love (with a burger)’.

GBK Presents Burger The Opera 5

The opera is ‘set to a stirring classical score’ and ‘is one performance where meat and melody will intertwine as never before.’ AS NEVER BEFORE, people.

Ridiculous. I told you.

Each free performance is 15 minutes long (to promote the chain’s new lunch offering that promises your food will be with you within 15 minute or your next lunch will be on GBK), and will be performed twice daily (1pm and 2pm) from October 13th to 17th at Gourmet Burger Kitchen, Waterloo.

Involved agency: Citizen Relations


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