.@Virgintrains kick off the festive season with #traindeer

By on Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Virgin Trains launched the new ‘Traindeer’ this month to celebrate the Christmas season.

Sisters, Ella and Ruby Cheshire had their artistic vision brought to life as Virgin Trains revealed a“Traindeer” on their network, which was inspired by the design submitted by the girls for a Christmas card competition.

The train’s new Rudolph wrap complete with red nose was inspired by a children’s Christmas card competition, a video then reveals the train (being driven by Santa of course!) arriving at Manchester Piccadilly Station to be met with Ella & Ruby’s (the cards creators) surprise and delight.

Using #traindeer I’m sure will gauge a lot of social traction over the festival period as passengers use the train to visit family and friends.

The winning Christmas cards are also on sale in various stations and all proceeds will be donated to the Riff Raff charity, which aims to raise funds for local charitable causes and organisations in the Urmston area.

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