Reebok and Kendrick Lamar take over the streets of Hollywood with #GETPUMPED

By on Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Last week sportswear brand Reebok and US rapper Kendrick Lamar took over the streets of Hollywood with possibly the “wildest 5k ever”, in support of their new campaign #GetPumped.

Fusing fitness and music together in a ground-breaking live event, Reebok and Kendrick Lamar put on a surprise concert where for the first time he performed tracks off of his new album To Pimp a Butterfly, which was released just a week earlier. On the 25th March Kendrick Lamar took to twitter tweeting “9pm. meet me here. 8950 Sunset Blvd. 930pm. meet me here. 8466 Melrose Ave.” giving fans just an hours notice!

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The concert saw fans chase through west Hollywood after a custom moving flatbed truck where Lamar performed. Amongst fans were 100 selected guests who were invited out to try out the new Reebok ZPump Fusion shoe, which were also released earlier this month.

If you haven’t seen this campaign already, make sure you give it a watch here:

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