Call of Duty live Tweet fake terrorist attack in controversial campaign

By on Thursday, October 29, 2015

The general public reaction to Call of Duty’s fake terrorist attack on Singapore PR stunt was that it was tasteless and that the game creators and their Marketers have taken it too far.fakeattack

On September 29th the games Twitter page @CallofDuty sent the following Tweets, which have now been deleted, live reporting on an apparent attack on the Singapore Marina.

After sending some of their followers into a state of panic they finally came clean,


A Tweet the following day stated menacingly that ‘Not even your mind is safe’

Although the Tweets were deleted with no explanation and the game never issued an apology to their offended fans, Game Director Jason Blundell did say the following in an interview:

Although arguably out of taste, and with many fans on Twitter claiming the stunt had dissuaded them from buying the latest edition of the game Call of Duty was all over the national Press for the following days which they will no doubt consider it a success.

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