Pepsi selling 6,500 collectible ‘Perfect’ bottles, as seen in Back to the Future II

By on Tuesday, October 6, 2015

For the second Back to the Future II campaign in as many posts, Pepsi has released a real product based on a design featured in the movie: the Pepsi Perfect bottle.



Set to go on sale on October 21st, 2015 – the date on which Marty traveled forward in time – 6,500 of the bottles will go on sale, costing a princely (but campaign-relevant) $20.15 each.

Pepsi has asked fans to follow its social media channels to find out where they’ll be able to buy a bottle of Pepsi Perfect. As mentioned on The Verge, 1,500 bottles will be given away to Marty McFly cosplayers at New York Comic Con this week.

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