Hidden cameras film hard-hitting Red Light District stunt

By on Monday, April 16, 2012

Here's a brilliant awareness campaign for Stop The Traffik, spotted here on Stunt of the Day, from the people behind the TNT 'Push to add drama' stunt you may have seen (here if you haven't).

amsterdam prostitutes stop the traffik

In the video, hidden cameras film as tourists (and potential customers) 'windowshop', checking out the girls in Amsterdam's red light district, when something quite unexpected happens.

Stop The Traffik want to make people aware that a lot of girls  are victims of human trafficking and end up in prostitution against their will, having been promised something entirely different.

The execution isn't quite as slick as the TNT stunt in my mind, but the message is obviously much more important, visibly stunning the onlookers.

Involved agencies: 

Duval Guillaume Modem



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